Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy BC Day!

All of us at Salts wish you a Happy BC Day! In honor of our beautiful province, here are a few fun facts:

  • The British Columbia Day Act was first introduced to the Legislative Assembly in 1974. The aim of the Bill was to create a statutory holiday on the first Monday in August to recognize the pioneers in the province and the act gained royal assent in 1996.

  • The Steller's Jay (a bird), the Pacific Dogwood (a flower), Jade (a mineral), Spirit Bear (mammal), and the Western Red Cedar (a tree) are all provincial symbols.

  • B.C. entered Canadian confederation in 1871. We were the seventh province to join.

  • Our provincial motto is "splendor without diminishment."

  • B.C.'s total land and freshwater area is 95 million hectares, larger than France and Germany combined. Only 30 countries are larger. British Columbia occupies about 10 per cent of Canada's land surface.

  • There is an estimated population of 4,494,232 in British Columbia.

  • British Columbia is the third-largest film and television production centre in North America - after New York and Los Angeles.

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