Clean GREEN!
We all know it’s easy to pick up a super-cleaner and tackle household grime. But there are some age-old tricks that are a lot healthier and just as effective! We at Salts would like to encourage you to clean Green. We found a great article by Lisa Boushy at W Network with some tips to get the job done the eco-friendly way:
1. A simple and safe mixture of vinegar and water (half and half) poured into a refillable spray bottle will do wonders on anything from windows and glass to ceramic floors and counter-tops. Try adding a half-cup each of baking soda and borax to your mixture to tackle tougher spots.
2. Many liquid laundry can cause skin irritations and allergies. A better alternative is to use either bar soaps or eco-laundry disks. Disks soften the water, are hypoallergenic, reusable and economical in the long run (most last for hundreds of loads).
3. Hanging clothes outside whenever possible will save on energy costs. But if you really must use the dryer, try to skip the fabric softeners that are loaded with chemicals. Instead, throw in a ball of aluminum foil, which will help reduce static cling.
4. Forgo the latest trend in disposable cleaning wipes - they contribute to clogged landfills. Try organic cotton, hemp or lint-free micro-fiber cloths, which will help prevent those stubborn streaks. Micro-fibre cloths are especially good for the removal of grime on stoves, tubs and sinks - they won't scratch the surfaces.
5. Hemp-seed oil and beeswax are great non-toxic, pure and safe finishing oils that provide clear coatings as well as protect wood grains and painted surfaces. Both can be used for walls, decks, furniture, antiques and floors. They’re even safe for cutting boards and children’s wooden toys. Here’s a great homemade recipe you can use to polish your wooden floors:
- 1/8 cup hemp oil (olive or vegetable oil works too)
1 tablespoon vinegar - 1 tablespoon vodka. Try grading some beeswax into the mix and voila — sparkling floors!
To read the full article by Lisa Boushy,
Much Love,