Have you been searching for a simple way to improve your carbon footprint, personal health, and make a positive change on a global level? Your search may well be over. Why not try "Meat Free Monday"? It's an unbelievable way to achieve all the positive goals listed above, and it's so very easy. What is this all about then, you may be asking by now. Well, it's simple. All you have to do is avoid eating meat for ONE day each week. Be it Monday, Thursday, whatever, the goal is to go for a whole day without consuming meat. That's all!
Now, you may be asking what this has got to do with saving our earth? And here is your answer: Everything! The United Nations released a statement stating that the livestock industry as a whole is responsible for more Greenhouse Gas emissions then the whole transport sector combined! The livestock production produce a huge 18% of our earth's GHG's. Wow. So, by taking part in this campaign you are adding your voice to the outcry for less meat production. Sound good to you? Check out their website: http://www.supportmfm.org/index.cfm
If your daunted by the thought of preparing three vegetarian meals each week, the campaign releases a new meat-free recipe each Monday. (For example, this week's was Green Bean Salad). This makes it much more difficult to find an excuse not to participate! And did I mention that it is run by Sir Paul McCartney and his daughters Stella and Mary?
A chance to adopt a healthier lifestyle, reducing your carbon footprint, and supporting a positive future for our earth.
Why not give it a try this Monday?
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